Leading Advocacy Initiatives for the Homecare Community
AAHomecare has served the HME industry for nearly four decades, setting the stage for manufacturers and providers to join together with one voice to advocate for improved access to quality homecare products and services that support millions of Americans and their caregivers. The Association offers turn-key advocacy materials, research, and relationship-building advice to help members work with policymakers, regulators, payers, and other stakeholders to enact policies that support the growth and sustainability of the homecare industry. We are proud to serve as the leading voice for the home medical equipment industry across the country. See our latest achievements on behalf of the HME community here.

A Letter from our Chairman of the Board
AAHomecare depends on the guidance of its Board to ensure its efforts are focused on the policy issues that are most important to the HME community. The volunteer Board leadership is comprised of innovative, forward-thinking HME veterans from companies of all sizes who are united in charting our path forward, leading by example through their determined advocacy work.
Our Team
AAHomecare’s success is driven by our dedicated team of staff professionals and our volunteer Board of Directors and participants on Advisory Councils from diverse backgrounds in the homecare industry. They meet regularly to set priorities, evaluate progress, and establish strategic guidance, with the Councils being particularly crucial to our policy initiatives. Our staff members share their passion for the Industry and contribute to the Association’s mission and supporting our membership.