Share Your Story - Natural Disaster

Has your community been impacted by severe weather or a natural disaster? 

We want to hear your story!

If your company is located within or cares for a region of the country that has experienced a natural disaster, your story can drive change! We want to hear how you prepared for the situation, kept employees safe, and cared for your community. 

Many legislators and regulatory agencies are not familiar with the complex planning and logistics involved with natural disaster preparation to support individuals with lifesaving oxygen and other DME, or what happens after a tragedy when equipment has been lost and must be replaced. Who provides care for a patient when they are displaced following a storm or wildfire?  What are the special challenges your team faces under these conditions and what does it take to overcome them? These are the stories we need to share with the media and lawmakers to help show the value of homecare providers.

Please also share lessons learned – we can all learn from each other in these situations and your information could help another company weather the storm.

Complete the form below to upload your video, photo, or written testimonial. 

If you have questions, please reach out to Tilly Gambill at

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Natural Disaster Stories Form
Company Name *:
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms as set out in the "Media Consent Form"

Please Tell Us About Any of The Following That Apply

Are you in a high-risk area for severe storms, wildfire, or other especially challenging conditions?
What preparation did you do if the event was expected? – please be specific (i.e. called all patients on oxygen to determine if they were evacuating or had backup generators, use a specific type of communication to reach patients prior to the event, evacuate employees x hours before event, brought in an emergency management consultant to help us build a plan)
Following the event, what was your plan to support employees and patients? Was your location intact?
Talk about your experience and connection to your business, patients, and community.
Do you have any new lessons learned after this latest event?
Are your patients Medicare, Medicaid, private payer, or a mix? How did this effect replacing lost or damaged equipment?
How do you support patients who are forced to leave your service area in the wake of a disaster?
Is there anything you would like to add?

Please Upload Your Story Here

If providing a written comprehensive story (instead-of or in-addition-to answering the questions), you may also type it into the text box or upload a Word or PDF. Please upload any video or photos as well.

Please Upload your Story:
Please submit your written story below: