Complex Rehab and Mobility

Federal Mobility Issues

AAHomecare supports HME providers who supply manual and power wheelchairs, including specialized Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) equipment that supports individuals with profound mobility challenges. Learn more about the differences between CRT and standard mobility products here

AAHomecare’s Complex Rehab and Mobility Council (CRMC) leads our advocacy work in the mobility space. Contact Alexis Ward,, to learn more about the CRMC.


CRT Hill Day, September 9-10, 2024

The CRT community hasn’t been in-person on Capitol Hill since 2019 and AAHomecare is excited to be hosting this opportunity for advocates to reconnect with legislators and each other. The September 10th Hill Day will be an opportunity for members of the manufacturing and supplier community to talk to members of Congress about titanium & carbon fiber wheelchairs utilized by consumers, the work that goes into fitting a consumer, and how current policy falls short of meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities. Register today to support the “Choices for Increased Mobility Act” at the CRT fly-in this Fall!

Current Legislation

Medicare beneficiaries should have the choice to pay for a titanium or carbon fiber upgrade to their manual wheelchair. On September 8, 2023, Congressman John Joyce introduced the Choices for Increased Mobility Act of 2023 (H.R. 5371). The legislation would enable upgrades within a code removing the current obstacles in place and offering key benefits to end users at no additional cost to CMS. This legislation is the first step on what we plan to be a pathway for eventual full coverage of titanium and carbon fiber wheelchairs.

On Nov. 15, 2023, H.R. 5371 passed the House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee and will move to the full E&C Committee for consideration. 

Learn more in the H.R. 5371 Issue Brief and related Industry Endorsement Letter.

seat elevation kitchen cabinet

Seat Elevation Systems

In May 2023, Medicare coverage for seat elevation systems used with Group 2, Group 3, and Group 5 power wheelchairs. This important win for wheelchair users and their caregivers follows years of determined advocacy from mobility suppliers and manufacturers, working in concert with patient advocate groups. AAHomecare submitted comments advocating for this change and worked with a broad spectrum of mobility stakeholders to help spur overwhelming support for coverage seen in more than 5,600 responses in two comment rounds on the NCD.

See the CMS NCD Decision Summary and Decision Memo and AAHomecare’s announcement on the news to learn more. Thanks to our partners at the ITEM Coalition and NCART for their determined advocacy on this issue.

Thanks for your support for patient access to critically needed CRT products!