HME Medicare Reimbursement Cental

Support 75-25 Blended Rate Relief in the 119th Congress

75/25 Blended Rate Relief Reintroduced in the House
Legislation to bolster rates for a large segment of HME suppliers has been reintroduced in the House of Representatives.  The DMEPOS Relief Act of 2025, H.R. 2005, establishes a 75/25 blended Medicare reimbursement rate for DMEPOS in non-rural/non-competitive bidding areas through the end of 2025.

The bill’s sponsors include Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa), Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.), members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, along with Reps. Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA). who serve on the Ways & Means Committee.

Ask Your Representative to Support H.R. 2005
Suppliers are encouraged to reach out now to their Representative and ask them to co-sponsor and support this the new legislation. We need to make a strong impression on members of Congress and their healthcare staff to move this legislation forward.

Who to Contact – If you don't already have a relationship with your legislators' staff, call their DC offices and ask for the name and email of the staffer who handles healthcare issues.

Main Messages - Please put these ideas in your own words for maximum impact:

    •  Please co-sponsor and support H.R. 2005, bipartisan legislation to restore 75-25 Medicare blended rates for DMEPOS in non-rural/non-CB areas.
     •  Failing to restore 75/25 blended rates for DME relief jeopardizes patient access to care and threatens the financial viability of the DMEPOS Industry in meeting our communities’ needs.
     •  Cuts that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024 average 20.1% across top product categories in non-rural areas, with many categories showing reductions of more than 25%-30%.
     •  Suppliers of DME products like oxygen, wheelchairs, medical supplies, CPAP devices, and hospital beds are currently saddled with Medicare reimbursement rates that haven’t had a market-based adjustment since 2016 and don’t reflect rising product and operational costs facing healthcare providers nationwide.  Without this relief, the disconnect between DME reimbursement rates and market reality will only widen – and ultimately threaten access to care for seniors, people with disabilities, and individuals with chronic respiratory conditions.
     •  Our legislation reestablishes 75/25 blended Medicare rate relief granted in 2022 Omnibus budget for an additional year and provide more stability for suppliers in non-bid areas as well as bolstering rates from other payers who are influenced by Medicare rates, including TRICARE and Medicaid programs in many states.
     •  In our 2024 survey on the impact of January 2024 cuts, more than 100 HME suppliers reported cutting back on the products and services offered, reducing service areas, laying off staff, and/or using personal savings to keep their businesses in operation, for now.  Over 1 in 10 surveyed are actively considering or planning closing their business entirely. Talk about the impacts these cuts have had on your business and patients.

Voter Voice Message Also Available
You can also send a pre-drafted message to your Senators and Representatives using our Voter Voice advocacy tool. You can edit the draft letter to include more details about your company and patients, as well as how the disconnect between current reimbursement rates and rising product and operational costs are affecting your business and your patients.

We’re Here to Help!
The AAHomecare team is happy to help you in your outreach to Capitol Hill on HME policy proirities, including crafting your note, find the appropriate contact, respond to any feedback you get from the Hill, or answer any other questions.  Please email Gordon Barnes ( for assistance.