Share Your Story - Access Issues

Battling insurance denials for the non-invasive ventilator you need? 

We want to hear your story!

If you are living with ALS or COPD and being denied your prescribed non-invasive ventilator, your story can drive change. Certain Medicare Advantage plans are denying access to ventilators for people who meet the coverage criteria.  By sharing your experience, you can help us educate insurance companies and governmental agencies on the importance of protecting people's access to NIV as prescribed by their physicians to manage their medical needs.  Together, we can advocate for better health care solutions and make a difference.

Complete the form below to upload your video, photo, or written testimonial.  We also ask that you call 1-800-Medicare (1-800-633-4227) to share your experience.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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Suggested talking points to include:

  • Have you been denied access to NIV by your insurance company?  (Tell your story about the denial, such as how long you've been waiting since prescribed NIV, if you are going through appeals, etc)
  • How has this denial impacted your daily life and health?
  • What do you wish that others understood about the importance of NIV in managing your diagnosis?
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms as set out in the "Media Consent Form"

Please upload your story here. If providing a written testimonial, you may also type it into the text box or upload a Word or PDF. Please upload any video or photos as well.

Please submit your written testimonial below: