Reps. Joyce and Buchanan Introduce Carbon Fiber/Titanium Wheelchair Upgrade Legislation in House

February 28, 2025

Representatives John Joyce (R-PA) and Vern Buchanan (R-FL) have introduced legislation to improve access to titanium and carbon fiber wheelchairs for Medicare beneficiaries. H.R. 1703 creates two new HCPCS codes for Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) manual wheelchairs and allow for an upgrade within a code. The bill includes the same language as S. 247, which was introduced in the Senate on Jan. 24.

"This legislation allows manual wheelchair users to choose the wheelchair that is best suited for their medical needs and lifestyle preferences without adding any costs to the Medicare program," said Tom Ryan, AAHomecare president & CEO. "These are common-sense bills that every member of Congress should support. Now that we have bills in both the House and Senate, mobility stakeholders need to make sure their legislators are aware and on board."

Ask Your Members of Congress to Co-Sponsor & Support the New Legislation
Please reach out to your Representative and Senators to ask that they co-sponsor and support these bills. You can find additional guidance on messaging and engaging your legislators at Your outreach will help build awareness for H.R. 1703/S. 247 and support our direct lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill.

While direct contact with Congressional healthcare staff makes the strongest impression, you can also send a pre-drafted message asking your legislators to support H.R. 1703 and S.247 using our Voter Voice advocacy tool. Please edit the letter there to include your perspectives on how increasing access to titanium and carbon fiber wheelchairs will improve the lives of the patients you serve.

H.R. 1703 and S. 247 at
S. 247 bill text (we are told that H.R. 1703 language contains same language)