75/25 Blended Rate Relief Reintroduced in the House

March 11, 2025
Legislation to bolster rates for a large segment of HME suppliers has been reintroduced in the House of Representatives. The DMEPOS Relief Act of 2025, H.R. 2005, establishes a 75/25 blended Medicare reimbursement rate for DMEPOS in non-rural/non-competitive bidding areas through the end of 2025.

The bill’s sponsors include Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa), Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.), members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, along with Reps. Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa) and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), who serve on the Ways & Means Committee.

“Seeing this legislation quickly reintroduced in the early stages of the 119th Congress shows that our champions understand the need for restoring the 75/25 rate relief that expired at the end of 2023,” said Tom Ryan, AAHomecare president & CEO. “We have bipartisan support, co-sponsors from the committees of jurisdiction for healthcare finance issues, and a passionate base of HME advocates who are ready to engage their legislators. It’s time to get to work!”

“The early introduction of H.R. 2005 allows us to build awareness and support for the bill in advance of our legislative conference in DC on May 12-13,” added Ryan. “The timing for this bill couldn’t be better for us. HME advocates need to take advantage of this opportunity to engage their Representatives now and again at our May event.”

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