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Proven Audit and Appeal Strategies
12 Mar 2024
12 Mar 2024

Proven Audit and Appeal Strategies

Presented by: Presented by Noel Neil of ACU-Serve

  • Member Benefit
  • $129 Non-Members

With the public health emergency clearly in our rearview mirror, recent revisions to the oxygen and continuous glucose monitors policies, high CERT error rate for DMEPOS and ongoing OIG alerts on fraud, waste, and abuse in the DMEPOS space, I believe we are in for another eventful year for audits. For most suppliers it is not a matter of if but when their first audit will arrive. The best audit defense is good offensive plan. Being proactive and not reactive. Whether you are already inundated with Medicare audits, or you have not yet received your first one, this presentation has some helpful information for you.

The presentation will cover the following:

- The different auditing contractors and the unique role they play. For example, RAC, CERT, UPIC, SMRC etc.

- The different level of appeals, how to file those appeals.

- Proven and successful audit strategies.

- Proven and successful appeal strategies.

- Trends and tips for the current audits and appeal, and much more.

To register using a PDF Registration, please send to tillyg@aahomecare.org.

2:30 ET